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  • "Telling Missouri's Stories": Annual Meeting in association with the Missouri Humanities Council

"Telling Missouri's Stories": Annual Meeting in association with the Missouri Humanities Council

  • 19 Oct 2012
  • 1:00 PM
  • 20 Oct 2012
  • 5:00 PM
  • Jefferson City, Missouri


  • Individual or institutional member in good standing with the Missouri Association for Museums and Archives
  • Not a member in good standing (individual or institutional) of the Missouri Association for Museums and Archives
  • You must provide a copy of your currrent student id.

Registration is closed


October 19-20, 2012

Doubletree by Hilton Hotel

422 Monroe Street

Jefferson City, Missouri  65101


Keynote Address by
Dr. Robert Archibald,
Missouri History Museum



Friday, October 19, 2012


12 – 5 p.m.  

Registration (Doubletree)


1 – 4 p.m.

Behind-The-Scenes Tours

  • Missouri State Archives, 600 W. Main
  • Missouri State Museum, Riverside Collections Facility, 117 N. Riverside

Tours begin at 1 and 2:30


6 – 9 p.m.

Opening Reception

  • Missouri State Museum

Featuring Deb Swanegan, Storyteller at 7 p.m.

(Inside Missouri State Capitol, 201 W. Capitol Ave.

Evening entrance on south side through carriageway)



Saturday, October 20, 2012


8 a.m.




9 - 10:30 a.m.

“The Rest of the Story: Dealing with Archival Research Issues”

▪ Mary Beth Brown, CA, University of Missouri, Columbia

Using outreach tools, such as public presentations and community projects, can help archival repositories and museums gather additional materials for their collections that help tell the rest of the story.



10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

“Disaster Preparedness Kits”

▪ Linda Landry, Conservator, Missouri History Museum

Learn about creating a disaster preparedness kit for your museum or archive.



Lunch and Keynote Address

▪ Dr. Robert Archibald, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, 2012 AASLH Leadership in History Award of Distinction



1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

“Getting the Story Across: Enhancing the Visitor Experience and Public Programming”

▪ Jess Rezac, American Jazz Museum, Kansas City

▪ Geoff Giglierano, Director, Missouri Humanities Council, St. Louis


Historical Images and artifacts cannot entirely speak for themselves.  Interpretation through well designed exhibits helps our audience to understand the stories we are trying to tell, but there are many ways we can enhance the museum visitor’s experience, make a story more meaningful and accessible through other forms of interpretation and public programing.  Join us in exploring some of the ways that different kinds of organizations – even those with limited resources – can achieve those goals, both through programming and activities developed in-house, and by means of partnerships with other groups and individuals from outside your own organization.



3:00 – 4:30 p.m.

“If You’re Not at the Table, You Could Be on the Table: Advocacy and Building Relationships with Elected Officials”

▪ Karen Witter, Assistant Director, Illinois State Museum, and Chair, Advocacy Committee, Association of Midwest Museums

▪ Randall F. Witter, President, Cook-Witter, Inc.


Do your local, state, and federal elected officials know how your museum makes a difference to their constituents? Museums need to become more effective advocates and speak with a unified voice.  There are simple ways to get involved.  Come find out how you can be an effective advocate for your museum and the museum field.



4:30 p.m. undefined Museums and Archives Townhall

Missouri Humanities Council

▪ Business Meeting and Introduction of new officers, Missouri Association for Museums and Archives



Missouri Association for Museums and Archives
P. O. Box 179387, St Louis, Missouri  63117

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